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My Career!
Welcome to DeskDemon's My Career, designed to provide you with a unique opportunity to do some serious career planning. You'll find heaps of practical help and information within these pages. There's also an interactive section for our registered users that can be completed and saved on-line within your own password protected DeskDemon folder. It can be edited any time you want, printed or saved on your computer. You can also plot your next move effectively by using your own DeskDemon email, calendar and network address book. Just log in!

Even if you're not a registered user, you can still dive in and out of a multitude of helpful tricks and tips, career guidance, recruitment and training pages, and find out what's going on in the region where you live. All you have to do is click on the relevant section below. It's your career! If you don't shape it, somebody else will!

To find out which month we'll focus on your region, Click Here

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