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Running your own business
How many times have you watched your boss at work and thought "I could do his job!" Well, why not? Running your own business is a tremendously satisfying thing to do: you're working for yourself, the profits are yours, the hours and effort you choose to put in are yours, and so is the business. Moreover, there are so many different options for those who want to run their own business: do you buy a franchise, become a virtual assistant, buy an existing business or set up a totally new one?
There are obviously pitfalls, too; but there's a huge amount of help around now to assist you through the minefields and make your business a success. This section will help you determine whether running your own business is for you, and, if you decide that yes, it is, it points you in the direction of people who can help! Business Link, for example, offers invaluable support and advice, so make the most of it!

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