Health hazards of dirty computers

Stewart Anderson, Marketing Manager, Durable UK.

What's on your desk today?

GermsA quote from microbiologist Charles Gerba puts today's office environment well and truly under the microscope. He says that "desks are really bacteria cafeterias" and he's right.

Today's office environment is far more vulnerable to bacteria than those of just ten years ago. For a start we have much more equipment i.e. more items to attract dust, grime, and germs. And as most of this equipment is electronic, nasties are magnetically drawn to surfaces and crevices of our PC screens, keyboards, and telephones. Central heating also creates a nice warm environment where germs can thrive, multiply and spread.

Researchers at the University of Arizona found that a single desk can support 10 million microbes. The key offenders are, perhaps not surprisingly, telephones. Your 'phone can harbour up to 25,127 microbes per square inch, followed by keyboards at 3,295 and computer mice 1,676. You can put this in perspective by considering that the average toilet seat contains only 49 microbes per square inch!

With a germ population like this, the office acts as an incubator. You should try to avoid eating at your desk as food spills and crumbs actively support mini eco-systems.

Keyword The superhighways for bacteria are hands and the surfaces we touch. Viruses are transferred by our hands, especially cold viruses. The chances of falling ill are greatly increased for pregnant women, those who are already ill, or those with poor immune systems.

We can't turn our offices into sterile environments, but we can minimise the spread of germs and viruses by adopting a regular and correct cleaning regime. Bacteria levels can be reduced by as much as 99% just by wiping over a surface with a specially formulated impregnated wipe.


What's fallen out of your keyboard?

Well, if it hasn't been cleaned recently, there'll be visible things such as crisps and biscuit crumbs, hair, the odd fingernail, and maybe a sprinkling of dandruff. But what about the things you can't see?

Saliva. Every time you breathe, moisture is created and it settles somewhere!

Dead skin cells. Yes, afraid so. We all shed millions every day and where better to come to rest than in a computer keyboard.

Body fat. Believe us, it's true. Every time you type, touch a screen or telephone, the oil in your skin leaves a microscopic film. Just think what a few months' build up looks like under a microscope. Yuk.

You may not mind having a collection of nasties in your keyboard if they belong to you - but what about when equipment is shared? Do you really want to collect body fat and saliva from someone else? Thought not!

Clean it now!

If you are feeling distinctly queasy by now, it's time to make a resolution - and don't wait for the new year. Clean regularly with the correct products and you'll wipe out those keyboard nasties, and telephone germs.

Keyboard. Hold the keyboard at a downward angle over your rubbish bin and use an airduster to blow along the keys. Finish off with an anti-bacterial keyboard swab to zap bugs and reduce static. Once a week is good practice, but a daily wipe is recommended.

PC Screen. A daily wipe with a specially formulated cleaning wipe will keep your screen germ-free and reduce the build up of grime that can cause eyestrain.

Cleaning a wheel mouse Mouse. To clean inside the mouse, turn it upside down and release the tracker ball by turning the plastic ring (where the mouse ball pokes through), in the direction of the arrow. Remove the ring and flip the mouse over so that the ball falls into your hand.

Wash the ball under lukewarm water and leave to dry. Use an airduster to clean the inside cavity - watch out for falling dust or hairballs! Using long-handled buds and specially formulated liquid, clean the interior, paying particular attention to the rollers. The only place inside the mouse you shouldn't touch is the circuit board. Allow the mouse to dry and then return the mouse ball and restore the plastic ring to its original position.

To avoid sticky cursor syndrome use a slick mouse mat rather than a fabric one.

Telephones. Telephones deserve a daily wipe using specially formulated cloths to keep bugs away from your ear and mouth. It's a must, particularly if other people use your 'phone, so clean regularly and clean thoroughly.

Make sure that you don't collect body fat and saliva (especially if it belongs to someone else!). A fast 60-second cleaning regime every day with specially designed computer cleaning products is all you need to keep your desk free from bugs, germs and other nasties.

Durable Products

Durable Cleaning is offering DeskDemon users a free sample pack containing Dry wipe cloths, Screen Clean fluid, Telephone clean sachets and cotton cleaning buds. If you want to make sure your computer sparkles, complete the form below and Durable Cleaning will send it directly to your office.

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