Understanding the Carbon Footprint and How It Affects the Environment

We’ve all heard the term carbon footprint. But what is it? And how can we reduce it? From assessing your annual energy consumption through travelling, consuming and maintaining your home to outlining ways in which you can reduce the effect you’re having on the environment, this article offers some helpful insights and tips.

By Martin Barwise

The term “carbon footprint” refers to a measurement of greenhouse gases released by human activities based on the amount of carbon dioxide units that is produced. This helps scientists and government decision makers gauge how severe a particular human activity affects the environment by contributing to the so-called Greenhouse Effect.

You can compute your own primary carbon footprint by taking into account your fuel consumption in your household and your travel activities per year.

Fuel Consumption
In the first category you should factor in the following:
  • Electricity consumption per year for your household
  • Natural gas consumption per year for your household
  • LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) consumption per year by your household
  • Household oil consumption per year by your household
  • Coal consumption per year by your household
  • The number of people who live in your household
Travel Activities
For the second category you should factor in these:
  • Total mileage of your vehicle per year (for those who own their own private vehicle)
  • Total mileage of your second vehicle per year (for those who have an additional vehicle)
  • Miles travelled on the train per year
  • Miles travelled on both local buses and underground train systems per year
  • Miles travelled on long distance bus and coach per year
  • Yearly travel by air, in terms of short-haul return flights, medium-haul return flights and long-haul return flights.

Calculate Online
You can use an online carbon footprint calculator (like that found on www.carbonfootprint.com/calculator.html) and enter in all these factors. The online calculator will do the computing for you so you can see just how extensively your activities affect the environment by contributing to carbon dioxide emissions.

Once you know how your activities affect Mother Earth, you can start taking steps to minimise your contribution to carbon dioxide emissions. This is very important, particularly since economies in the developing world are increasing their fuel consumption.

Decreasing Your Footprint
Some things you can do:
  • Look for a green energy supplier who will supply power to your household. (A green energy supplier relies on renewable energy sources such as hydroelectric and wind power, which wreaks less havoc on the environment).
  • Turn off electricity-dependent machines if you really do not need to use them, or at least minimise usage of these items.
  • Reduce your central heating by up to two degrees.
  • Minimise water heating by up to two degrees.
  • Use a timer for your central heating at home so that it turns off when you leave home.
  • Only turn on the washing machine and clothes dryer if you have a full load of laundry to put in.
  • Try reducing water to heat in the kettle if you do not need that much hot water.
  • Do not overcharge your mobile phone.
  • Defrost freezers and refrigerators periodically, even before ice builds up.
  • Try shopping only once a week, making bulk purchases so you can cut down on car fuel consumption.
  • Minimise use of the tumble dry function – try using a clothesline and the sun to dry laundry.

There are many other things you can do to minimise your carbon footprint. Leave less of a carbon footprint and you will leave behind a more stable environment in the wake of your activities.

Martin Barwise works for the Green Store UK, which sells eco-friendly gifts and energy saving gadgets. They sell energy saving gadgets such as the Smart Adapter, a remote control plug-set which enables you to quickly and easily turn electric items off standby. Their website is www.green-store.co.uk.

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