Help us to keep DeskDemon as the number one worldwide community of PAs and secretaries. All our users are invaluable to us. Our users cover the administrative functions in many different sectors and industries and range from those just starting out in their careers to the seasoned veterans working for the CEOs of major corporations. That’s what makes us such a vibrant online community. Vital to this is that we enable our users to share their expertise with their peers. Within the diverse demographics of assistants there is a vast pool of knowledge that can be shared in order to foster support and understanding.

If you have written, or would like to write, your own news contribution or article, or you feel you have some content that others may benefit from, then this is your opportunity to share this knowledge with your peers. You can submit your contribution below.

We are particularly interested in PA or secretary related news or events. In this way you, our users, can be kept completely up-to-date on everything relevant to your jobs – from essential events to new legislation to survey results to other PAs in the news. If you think it might be interesting or it will benefit your peers then we’d love to hear about it!

Editorial Guidelines

Editorial Features: Please paste the content into the form below. News features and articles should ideally be between 300 and 800 words long.

Content Submission Form
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Job Title Company Name
Email Address Work Phone
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Terms and Conditions:
  • Submitted content must be an original piece of writing written by you or that you have ownership of.
  • Submitted content must not contain any content that is a violation of any law, be considered defamatory, libellous, or infringes on the legal rights of others.
  • Your submitted content must be written in English, with correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalisation. Your content will be subject to editing by
  • You agree to allow DeskDemon to publish your material on a royalty-free basis, while you retain full rights to your written work.
  • Not all content will be published. DeskDemon will be publishing unique content. If you have a new angle on current news or an item already on then feel free to submit it. It is up to DeskDemon’s discretion on which content will be published.
  • Content on DeskDemon is provided for information and educational purposes only and not for redistribution. DeskDemon does not accept any responsibility or liability for the use or misuse of the content on this site or reliance by any person on the site's contents.
  • Authors must include their full details.
  • Authors will receive credit for their published content.
  • This prize offer is only valid for users who are 18 or over and reside in the UK or NI.
  • Prizes will be sent only to DeskDemon users that have submitted content that was published by
  • Prizes will be dispatched within 28 days of the publication of the submitted content.

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