• 19% of UK employers find stress and mental ill health a major cause of short-term absence
  • This rises significantly over time to 41% for mid-term absence, with almost half (48%) of employers saying it is one of their main causes of long-term absence
  • 64% of employers are focussing on Work-Life balance as one of their top 3 health and wellbeing priorities


New research has found that stress and mental ill health is one of the main causes of mid and long-term absence for UK employers. Almost half of employers questioned (48%) said this is a main cause of long-term absence within their organisation, with 41% saying it is a main cause of mid-term absence and 19% for short-term. Significantly, one of the other top causes of short-term absence (33%) is for home/family issues which can often be a contributory factor in stress-related absence.

Mental illness is the largest single cause of disability in the UK, costing the economy £70-100 billion per year. Encouragingly, employers appear to be taking active steps to reduce the impact of stress in their business.

More than one in three (35%) said that maintaining a good work-life balance was their top health and wellbeing priority, with 64% of employers putting this in their top three. 42% of employers are now recording a  secondary cause of absence (on top of the primary reason), which usually is related to stress or mental health. This gives them another tool to more closely monitor these issues from the outset.

The research also found that 10% of employers now have line managers trained to spot signs of stress and mental health conditions, an early intervention strategy which can help manage the issue and support staff. Additionally, flexible working is the top measure that employers have put in place to reduce absence and manage attendance, at 32%.

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