Libra Hello again. Here comes the Autumn Equinox, the Balance point of the year. The Sun enters Libra, to be exact at 23.23 on 22nd September and leaves at 8.42 am on 23rd October. There is a new Moon on October 3rd at 11.28 am and a Full Moon on October 17th at 1.14 pm. Those are the facts; now for the inside information! If any of you Librans have birthdays this year which fall on those two Moon dates, expect a very significant year ahead!

By Ysanne Lewis

AriesARIES: Now is the time to get your life into balance as your opposite sign, Libra is in the ascendant - never an easy time as your natural impulsiveness wars with perspective, but a valuable period nevertheless. The Sun is in your partnership area of your chart, highlighting negotiations and clarity relating to your needs. Financial matters come to a bit of a head, but after 8th Oct you will feel freer. Travel then would be good. So bide your time till the second week of next month, and then adventures lie in store.

TaurusTAURUS: Benefits on the work front are occurring as you move towards October. And with Mars still in the ascendant of your horoscope this Autumn, you are becoming much clearer about your goals and what you want and don't want! Good deals or contacts made in September and early October will pay off after that and you can expect financial returns. Round about the 20th October Jupiter lines up nicely with the Sun so luck could occur at work!

GeminiGEMINI: Well , a pleasant time is ahead as good aspects between your ruler Mercury and the Sun and Jupiter in October allow things to flow and harmonise in your lives. Venus joins in to enhance your love life and attraction power, so go on - have fun and liven up other people in the process. You are getting used to Mars skulking around in the background area of your chart now, so make it your ally not your enemy and be strategic with your day to day hiccups.

CancerCANCER: Is your love of nature or your home rearing its head more now? You really are highly creative at the moment, especially in your dreams and in the way you create security for yourself. After 8th October, when Venus enters the expansive sign of Sagittarius and - in your case - travels through your work and health house, your need for harmony in the office. Your need for caring for your body will make you quite innovative with life!

LeoLEO: Well, you generally like to have your say, and this is a good time of year to put your point forward. The Sun and Mercury are transiting through a mentally active arena of your chart and new ideas will be your forte. Write them down. Home improvements are well aspected, even new living arrangements. Parties or others social events could be romantic for you. Remember though, with dutiful Saturn in your sign till well into 2007, you have to be responsible for what you create.

VirgoVIRGO: Money matters are active now and you will be negotiating hard to get what you want for yourself or for your employment. It hasn't been the easiest time for you recently, but good firming influences cosmically will soon brighten your month. In mid October, you'll notice a speeding up of action and ideas. Buying or selling will appeal to you this Autumn - a second home abroad or good investments?

LibraLIBRA: A nice mixture of events is on the horizon: practical concerns, interesting people and conversations and work improvements. With the Full Moon on 17th October, lined up with Jupiter, you can expect a big step forward to be taking place. Relationships will be larger than life and whether it is an existing one or a new one, enjoy it. A project dear to your heart will be nearing completion. People will be seeing your talents more than usual.

ScorpioSCORPIO: Your quiet patch of the year when the Sun is hiding in its pre-dawn period before your birthday. This month is always a good time for you to retreat a bit and conserve your batteries, rather than make your influence felt. However, this year is a bit of an exception, as Venus is in Scorpio till 8th October, and Mercury is also there till the 9th. So allow things to come to you. Don't force them. By being more mysterious and soft, you will attract good things and loving to you.

SaggittariusSAGITTARIUS: Talking of Venus, she lines up with your Sun in the second week of October until early November time. And the friendship area of your chart is strongly tenanted. What does this mean? Well, certainly, there is no holding you back now. You can draw in favours easily and people will want to hear your vision of life. Folk from abroad will figure significantly, and plans for travel aspect well. Don't overlook the behind-the-scenes activities. People have your best interest at heart now, and details shouldn't be ignored.

CapricornCAPRICORN: Your reputation is on the rise now - in a good way and a charismatic one. You have been waiting just for this time to make you influence felt. Romance is important to you now and an admirer you didn't suspect existed makes their presence known. You will be smiling more than usual and will let down some of the guards you can so easily put up. The New Moon on 3rd October highlights work goals and authority issues. Use your charm then!

AquariusAQUARIUS: Travel? How does that word sound to you? Anyway, I think it's a great time for it. And many benefits will come out of it. So whether it's a mini or macro trip have a go and meet some fascinating new people and places. You don't want to be cooped up by the time you are in mid October. If you have time for it, it is also a good time for learning something new or even teaching it. Pay attention to repairs overdue or even sudden ones in the home. Don't let them build up.

PiscesPISCES: The dreamer in you is stronger than usual now so watch that this doesn't interfere with your work. Those of you who can use your fantasies at work, have it made, but for the rest of you Pisceans keep your feet on the ground. The psychic side of you will aid you beautifully either in business or in your personal decision making. You could take a few gambles now, either in your love life or with money. Some imaginative scheme will take off!

Till Soon,


An astrology reading makes a great gift – click here to visit Ysanne's website or call her on 01483 572688

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