Toni De Feo-Mayers
Toni De Feo-Mayers is the PA to the Director of Training and Development at SolusNU, which means she not only organises training and development events, she also has access to the training herself. This is proving invaluable in a rapidly changing organisation. She sees adaptability as one of the key skills an admin or PA can have in the modern workplace.
What is your role and whom do you work for?
I’m PA/Admin to the Director of Training and Development at SolusNU.

How has it changed over the last year?
The company is expanding – so there is more work, more training, and more interaction with other staff members and training companies.

What are the three most important skills you use at work?
Administration, organisational skills, networking.

What does a typical day look like for you?
If there is a training course, then I ensure there are enough refreshments for breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea/coffee, that the course notes are available, and I clear and tidy up. I make bookings, whether for training, accommodation or meetings. I print out delegates’ lists, notes and evaluation forms. I speak to staff members regarding their training. I send out joining instructions for other training courses. I am organising a family day and this is still in the process of “being tackled” – it's due to happen soon – and have been in touch with an event company and so far have devised what entertainment, refreshments and transportation we require. We have a facility and are awaiting costings. I need to organise invitations for staff members, their families and the guests.

What are your future career plans?
It's a “wait and see” situation at present, as I am currently working part time until my daughter starts school and then we'll go from there – but the training department is expanding and I'm going to keep my options open as I know that we will be opening another training unit over the next year or so and hope that my skills will be of use.

What are you doing to make sure your plans happen?
What new skills will I need to learn? Being in the training department, I can at least ensure that I benefit from some of the in-house training. I’m also planning to do budget training.

What one key piece of advice would you have for PAs who want to get into this sector?
Be adaptable and be prepared to do anything, from sitting in on a training session to washing up the tea/coffee cups. Secretaries/PAs are very versatile and always able to do more than three things at a time – it comes in handy.

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