It seems at times like everyone is on Facebook. Social networking is a major part of most people's lives at this point, and even people who swore that they would never have a "profile" are uploading pictures and locations like crazy, letting the world know where they are and what they are doing. You have probably heard a lot of Facebook warnings already. You know that you are not supposed to announce your vacation schedule lest nosy burglars break in while you are away nor should you post private or identifying information about yourself that could enable someone to steal your identity or convince your children to hop in a car with them. However, there are a number of more common Facebook gaffes that can lead to serious professional consequences, including being fired.

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make on Facebook is to badmouth your boss. While you might think your employer is too busy to be online - and you may be right - someone out there is not too busy to read your wall, print out your snarky comments and deliver them in hard copy to your employer. Do not be misled by the fact that someone may be your electronic "friend;" they may feel it is their professional obligation to bring your comments to light, or they may just be bored. If your privacy settings are wrong, you might even be posting your feelings for the entire world to see.

In addition, do not post your location if you are not at work on a workday. Most offices accept that workers may occasionally call in sick when they are not feeling quite as terrible as they might imply. Most people have, at some point, taken a "mental health day" under the guise of a nasty case of the 24-hour flu. However, your little white lie can become a serious issue of integrity if your employer, who is thinking about you sitting at home sniffling and snorting in bed, notices that on Facebook you have just hit the mall or are posting pictures of your (perfectly healthy) self getting tan on the beach.

Social networking can be a great way to advance professionally and to make personal connections that can help keep you fulfilled in your daily life. However, a healthy dose of caution when you are using these sites will also help keep your private life private, and your professional life in the office exactly where it belongs.