Category: Miscellaneous

I have been slacking, so here is something written awhile back.  I hope I didn't post it already!

As an administrator, you may sometimes feel that you need some extra support. One of the best ways to support yourself and your staff is to create an admin support group within your office. You may meet on a regular basis or only once in a while when things get hectic, but having a support group of other administrative staff will help you all identify issues and solutions in the workplace.

Once you have determined that you have a need for an admin support group, make sure that your employer is okay with you taking time out of your day for this. Generally, these types of groups meet during a lunch hour on business property. However, some employers think that these groups are so useful that they allow them to meet on company time.

Establish clear goals for your group. It can be easy to allow a support group to deteriorate into a “complaint fest” if the group does not have a common goal. While you may wish to discuss problems, the goal should always be to find a solution for those problems, not to just air “dirty laundry” for everyone else to hear. Your group should have a clearly stated goal and mission statement so that people who participate know what they are getting into.

Finally, your admin support group can benefit from training opportunities in the workplace. This is an ideal way to support your staff and make them better prepared to help you as well. Find out if you can get some training in basic software or in new technology that could help in the daily life of an administrative professional. Then, through the support group, consider offering training to help members participate more fully in their jobs as administrative professionals.

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