Category: Networking

It's a cliche, problem, but why do people continue to insist on having meetings, just to have a meeting?  Today is my monthly admin meeting, and like always, it's going to be a near waste of an entire hour.  Look, I like to socialize just like everyone else, but I don't enjoy interaction to be forced down my throat just to say we "had a meeting".  I think all the admin's in the group secretly recognize this is a waste of time, but no one has the heart to tell that to the organizer.  She is a terrific person, has tons of experience, and is well respected, but sometimes she can fail to see the forest through the trees. She gets caught up in the image of what she should be doing, rather than relying on her own instincts. So off I go to put on a happy smile, and hope a scrap of something meaningful can during the next hour of my life.

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