MS Word 2007

» Command Tabs - The traditional menus and toolbars have been replaced by a set of command tabs located in what is called the Ribbon. Presented graphically, command tabs display the commands that are most relevant for each of the task areas in the application. For example, Office Word 2007 has command tabs for writing, inserting, viewing, and other tasks. You can double-click a command tab to hide or reveal the Ribbon as needed. Of course, the traditional dialog box interfaces are still available for those who want a greater degree of control over the result of the operation.

» Galleries and Live Preview - You can rest your pointing device over a gallery on the command tabs to see a live preview of an editing or formatting change before that change is actually applied.

» Microsoft Office Button - The Microsoft Office button has replaced the File menu and contains many of the standard file-related commands.

» Quick Access Toolbar - To the right of the Microsoft Office button is the customisable Quick Access Toolbar containing the Undo, Redo, and Save commands. To customise the Quick Access Toolbar, click the drop-down arrow to the right of the toolbar.

» View Side by Side - Compare two documents side by side. Open both files that you want to compare. On the View tab in the Window group, click View Side by Side.

» Quick Styles - With the Quick Styles feature you can change how documents look with a single click. Simply select the text you want to change and then choose the style you want from the Quick Styles gallery. You can also create your own Quick Styles for use in future documents.

» Style Sets - Style Sets enable you to make global changes to a document with a single click. You can choose different Quick Style galleries, document colour schemes, and fonts. All existing styles in your document will automatically adapt to the new Style Set. To choose a Style Set, click Change Styles in the Styles gallery.

» Document Themes - While you can choose style, colour, and font schemes individually, Document Themes offers predefined configurations of all three Style Set elements, making it easy to provide a complete foundation for your document in one click. Document Themes even define the effects used for shapes, charts, and diagrams inserted into the document. To apply a Document Theme, click the Themes button on the Page Layout tab.

» Contextual Command Tabs - The 2007 Office system features contextual command tabs that appear only when they are needed and remain out of the way when they are not. For example, the commands for editing a table in Office Word 2007 are hidden until a table has been inserted into a document and the user wants to modify it. To insert a table, click the Table group on the Insert tab. Click inside the table to see the Table Tools contextual command tab. Other contextual command tabs are available for charts, pictures, and headers and footers.

» Headers and Footers - Adding a header or footer to your document is as easy as clicking Header or Footer on the Insert tab. Use the Header and Footer contextual command tab to add additional Building Blocks such as date, a picture, or other predefined content types into your header and footer.

» Mini Toolbar - When working in the content of a document, you can limit trips to the Ribbon by using the common formatting items in the Mini Toolbar. Just select your text and the Mini Toolbar automatically appears.

» Custom Building Blocks - With Word 2007, it’s easy to create your own reusable content types. Select the text you want to reuse and click the Quick Parts button on the Insert tab. Click Save Selection to Quick Parts Gallery. The next time you need the text, click the Quick Parts button and select your Building Block.

» Text Box - Other Building Blocks include text boxes for including quotes and sidebars. Inserting a quote or sidebar is a quick way to make your document look like something published in a book or magazine. Click Text Box on the Insert tab.

» Prepare Files for Sharing - The 2007 Office release provides several ways to prepare files for sharing, including protecting against unauthorised viewing and distribution, adding a digital signature for verification, and checking compatibility with older versions of Microsoft Office. Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then move your pointing device to the Prepare menu.

» Document Inspector - Document Inspector removes personally identifiable information, comments, and tracked changes from documents. It can also search for and remove hidden text and other types of information. On the Prepare menu, click Inspect Document.

» Save as PDF - With the Microsoft Save As PDF or XPS add-in, which is available for download at no cost from, you can save your document as a Portable Document Format (PDF) or XML Paper Specification (XPS) file. Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click the arrow next to Save As. Select PDF or XPS.

» Tri-Pane Review - A new tri-pane review panel helps you see both versions of a document with deleted, inserted, and moved text clearly marked. Click the Review tab. In the Compare group, click Compare. Click Compare (legal blackline option). You can also compare different versions of a shared document provided you’ve enabled versioning on your SharePoint document library. You can compare the latest version against the last major or minor version or any specific version in the history. Click the Review tab. In the Compare group, click Compare. Click Specific Version.

» Change the Author Name - To change the author name and initials that are displayed in comments and tracked changes for new or existing documents, update the name in the User name box (Word options dialog box, Popular category) or the Author document property.

» Assign Keyboard Shortcuts - To assign keyboard shortcuts to frequently used styles, click Customise in the Customise category in the Word options dialog box.

» Format a Word - To format a word without selecting it, click the word and apply the formatting that you want. For example, press CTRL+B to apply bold formatting.

» Select a Word - To select a word, double-click it.

» Select a Sentence - To select a sentence, press CTRL and click in the sentence.

» Select a Paragraph - To select a paragraph, triple-click in the paragraph.

» Select an Entire Document - To select an entire document, press CTRL+A.

» To Paste Only Text - To paste only text and not formatting, paste the text, click Paste Options , and then select Keep Text Only.

» To Preserve Formatting - To preserve formatting when you move or copy a paragraph, include the paragraph mark ( ).

» To Center, To Align - To center, left-align, or right-align a selected paragraph, press CTRL+E, CTRL+L, or CTRL+R.

» To Create a Line - To create a line, press the hyphen key three or more times, and then press ENTER. To create a thicker line, hold the SHIFT key down and press the hyphen key three or more times, and then press ENTER.

» To Make Text Larger/Smaller - To make text larger or smaller, select the text, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+] or CTRL+SHIFT+[.

» Clear the Contents of a Table - To clear the contents of a table, select the table, and then press DELETE.

» Remove a Table & Contents - To remove a table and its contents, select the table, and then press BACKSPACE.

» Add Row at the End of a Table - To add a row at the end of a table, click in the last cell, and then press TAB.

» To Insert a Tab Character - To insert a tab character in a table cell, click in the cell, and then press CTRL+TAB.

» To Number Rows - To number rows in a table, select the left column, and then on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Numbering.

» To Number Columns - To number columns in a table, select the top row, and then on the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Numbering.

» To Insert a Blank Line - To insert a blank line before a table, click before any text in the upper-left cell of the table, and then press ENTER.

» To Move a Table Row - To move a table row and its contents up or down, select the row, and then press ALT+SHIFT+UP ARROW or ALT+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW.

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