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How to Use a Mouse
The majority of us who use a computer also use a mouse. Whilst studies on mouse use have been inconclusive, experts suggest that habitual incorrect use of pointer devices can result in sore fingers, wrists, arms and shoulders. To minimise pain and discomfort, ergonomists suggest close attention should be paid to the design of the mouse, where it’s placed on the desk and how it can best be used to prevent discomfort and fatigue.

Avoiding Improper Use
  • To avoid discomfort and fatigue: Don't squeeze the mouse. Hold it loosely with a relaxed grip. A tight grip will not help to position the pointer any more accurately or quickly.
  • Keep your wrist straight. Keep forearm, wrist and fingers in a straight line.
  • Practice. Try making circles with the mouse with a relaxed shoulder and grip. Practice making the circles smoother and smoother until the movement is comfortable.
  • Adjust the mouse speed setting. The mouse is harder to control on a fast setting.
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