It is now time for DeskDemon's 2007 Management Support Role Annual Survey. As outlined below, we are conducting this survey to find out how your job is changing and what is important to you now and what will be important to you in the future - especially in terms of support and training. It also gives us a chance to discover how successful we are at supporting you too, and what we can work on to improve in the coming year.

And as a token of our thanks, there is an Olympus Digital Camera to be won by one lucky survey entrant. The camera is a perfect "point and shoot" model, designed for ease of use. And with five million pixels and a 2.8x optical zoom it produces images of superb quality as well.

There are also twenty runner up prizes of £10 M&S Vouchers up for grabs. So, to help us with our annual survey and for the chance to win one of these great prizes, please spend a few minutes to fill out this survey.

Click here to download PDFThe DeskDemon Management Support Role Annual Survey is undertaken to find out how the role of the management support professionals is changing on a year on year basis, as well as the challenges they face and what support they would like in helping them to do their job.

Name E-Mail
Company Company Size
Industry City
County Age
Gender Male Female Job Title

1. How many people do you provide support to in your current job?

2. What are the top three elements of your current role?

3. Have these changed in comparison to last year?

4. What do you think will be the top three elements of your role in the coming year?

5. What are the three most challenging elements of your current role?

6. Have these changed in comparison to last year?

7. What do you think will be the three most challenging elements of your role in the coming year?

8. Do you feel you have enough support / training / resources to meet these new challenges?
Yes  No

9. Do you agree with the following statements? Tick all that apply.
I enjoy my job and find it fulfilling.
I agree
I am clear about my job responsibilities and objectives.
I agree
I want to take more responsibility in my job.
I agree
I take more decisions now than I have in the past.
I agree
My manager does more word-processing / typing than three years ago.
I agree
My job is more varied than it was three years ago.
I agree
I work for more people than I did three years ago.
I agree
I now work as a team secretary.
I agree
I think that there will always be a role for secretaries.
I agree

10: Any other comments:

1. Do you agree with the following statements? Tick all that apply.
My organisation is currently undergoing change / restructuring.
I agree
The number of secretaries in my organisation has decreased over the last three years.
I agree
The total number of employees has decreased over the last three years.
I agree
I understand my organisation's objectives.
I agree
I understand how my job contributes to organisational success.
I agree
I am kept well informed about organisational policy and procedures.
I agree
I feel colleagues respect my role and skills.
I agree
I often feel work is just dumped on me.
I agree
When I make suggestions for improvements nothing happens.
I agree
My job has changed for the better over the last three years.
I agree

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