My Career
DeskDemon UK Career My Career Guidance Notes
Guidance Notes

My Career provides you with a unique opportunity to do some serious career planning.

My Career - Interactive Tools

This section has three core parts, each with practical exercises for you to complete:

You don’t have to follow these core parts in any particular order; you can pick and mix as you wish. Nor do you have to do each section all at once. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are careers! Use the exercises provided as a way to build your career on building blocks.

We suggest you start with Where am I now or Where do I want to be, so that you can start identifying where you are and where you want to take your career.

You can print off the articles and use them for your annual review; you can start them, save what you’ve done and return to them later. You can complete them regularly to review your career plans, and save them in your very own folder, My Career.

Your own calendar, email, address book, note pad and My Career section will enable you to plot your next move in privacy.

Practical Tips and Advice

The career section in Deskdemon also has lots of supporting articles full of practical advice and tips on the career topics below. They include Knowing my region, in which we'll be focusing on each region in the UK month by month, which will help you boost your knowledge of what's happening it in which could affect your career!

Pull these strands together
And shape your future career.

Don’t leave it to somebody else to push you in a direction you don’t want to go in!

Tools / Links
My Career Home
Where am I now?
Where do I want to be?
How do I get there?

Discussion Forums