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April 2005 - Celebrating the PA  
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Sound Off!
PAs tell it like it really is

Sound Off! This issue is all about celebrating the role of the PA, but do you think you get enough recognition for what you do? The PA we've chosen for our Sound Off! doesn't think so. It's short, and very much to the point!

This is the view of Amina Khan, 23, a senior PA for a global blue chip corporation in the north west.

It's completely inequitable! If you de-construct my job specification, and look at what I am responsible for, you'd expect my salary to be considerable. And it's not. I believe we are held back by our job titles, and the perceptions of our potential. If my job were advertised as a vacancy under the title 'Business Support Manager', the salary attached to it would be at least £10K higher. No manager (and no man!) would do what I do for my money. We've been fighting for equal pay for women for decades, and very slowly change is happening. But because the PA role is seen as a female role, and has no comparable male equivalent, it has been left out of the calculation. I won't feel truly recognised for my contribution until I am paid a wage commensurate with the role.

Strong words from Amina. What do you think? Vote now!

Yes! She's right - the pay for PAs is far too low

I sympathise - but my salary is pretty good

No - can't agree. We'd all like to earn more but we have to be realistic

What you thought of Katherine Fleck's tirade in the last issue!

Remember the Sound Off in the last issue? Katherine Fleck was mad as a hornet at not being asked to join her sales team colleagues on corporate trips. We asked you what you thought, and here's what you said. Looks like Katherine has a lot of support!

Your Vote A:

Yes! She's right - it's mean to leave her out and does little for team morale


Your Vote B:

I agree partly - perhaps they could get her along for just one event.


Your Vote C:

No - she's not eligible. Corporate hospitality is serious business


And to send your Sound Off! to us, just email to Send us no more than 300 words, your name and firm (or remain anonymous) and we'll pick the best to publish.

Next issue the theme is all about technology. Give us an idea what makes your blood boil on the technology front!

Look forward to hearing from you before 30 April!

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