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Say good-bye to interview jitters... John Lees has all the answers!
Job interviews make most of us at least nervous, if not positively ill! And part of that fear comes from dreading the type of questions we will be asked, and how we will perform. But preparation is the key, and this excellent book from leading career strategist John Lees is one of the best ways to prepare. With John Lees' help, you could turn those awkward questions into opportunities to shine.
Book Cover

This top career guide gives winning answers to over 200 questions. For example, how would you tackle these tricky ones...

  • What is your relationship with your former employer?

  • What's your pressure point - what makes you crack?

  • How fast will you contribute to our organisation's success?

  • How would you rank yourself among your peers?

  • Describe an occasion where your work was openly criticised.

And John Lees' book will also take you through the whole interview process, from the preparation beforehand, to what to do when it's all over. If you're planning to go job hunting this year, it's the ideal book for you.

We have 10 copies to give away FREE, so simply complete the email entry below. The closing date is January 31 2005.

And if you're not lucky enough to win a copy this time, why not treat yourself to a copy of "Job interviews - Top answers to tough interview questions". It costs just £8.99 from publishers McGraw Hill. Check out this title and John's other best-selling guides, "How to get a job you'll love" and "How to get the perfect promotion" at and

Good luck

Lucky DeskDemon Express winners for December 2004!
Congratulations to the winners from the December issue of DeskDemon Express who will all receive £50 of Marks and Spencer vouchers! Just right for a January pick-me-up treat! Well done to the following readers, who all correctly named Santa's reindeers as Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Donner, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Prancer and Blitzen:

Liz Cooke, an Office Manager for Peak Entertainment in Bakewell; Liz Millthorpe, PA to the Chairman of Fusion Group (Holdings) in Chesterfield; and Linda Barnard, PA to the MD at Leeds Castle in Kent.

Don't spend the vouchers too wisely, gals!
Please enter your details here
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Winners will be announced in our February issue.

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