Venues - July/August 2004
What's new in the conference world? Plenty!
Dine with the dinosaurs!
How to broaden your event horizons!
Why PAs need to get a grip!
Find me the perfect venue - NOW!
Why we should all be going private!
Virtual venue viewing, anyone?
Getting paid for a five-star lifestyle!
Bring on the big boys
In the News
Secretarial college 80 years on
New tool for venue bookers
Stationery that's not stationary
London calling!
Business is booming - more jobs to come
Is your boss too afraid to go on holiday?
Lucky winners with ON! Office Networks
Event Calendar
Amspar 40th
Diary Dates
Fun Quiz
Are you a fixer or a flapper?
A major part of your job is organising company events, from awards dinners to conferences to the office Christmas party, but as we all know, hitting the right note is quite an art. Try this fun DeskDemon quiz to see how good your event organising skills are...
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