People define themselves through their employment says James Caan

The way we think of ourselves is dependent upon the jobs we do according to employment guru James Caan.

"The job people do is how they define themselves: it is a vital part of their wellbeing and self respect," said Mr Caan, the CEO and founder of Hamilton Bradshaw Private Equity.

"Having a job that an individual can identify with can be more important for some people than a large salary," said Mr Caan. "That is why I written my new book How to Get the Job you Really Want. I want to help people identify and attain what is the best job for each individual."

"Most people aren't only interested in money: professional respect and relationships with friends and family are more important," he said.

Recent research from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) supports James Caan's view.   

2,000 people responded to the ONS survey which was in response to the Prime Minister's initiative to measure the nation's wellbeing.

Nine out of 10 of respondents cited job security, personal health and relationships with family members at the top of their list of concerns.  

Other components for a happy life are freedom of society and spiritual and religious beliefs. Parents put special emphasis on their children having a good life and a nice place to live.

Respondents said they were more likely to rate having employment as more important to them than receiving a high salary.

Mr Cameron launched the concept of National Wellbeing in November. He said that government should help people "feel better" and that a National Wellbeing Index would aid politicians to work towards building a better society and create a broader measure of Britain‚s success than simply economic performance.

"People need help when they are searching for the right job for them but they don't ask for it," said Mr Caan. "For example, you should always learn from your mistakes. If a job interview doesn't work out, go back to the company and find out the reason why, so you can draw something from the experience and improve your performance next time."
"When you are offered a job, step back and take a calm, collected view of what is on offer ˆ and it still is only an offer ˆ before negotiating a deal that is fair for both parties."

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