e-Invoicing helps businesses during extreme weather conditions

Last year’s harsh winter saw roads blocked by abandoned cars covered in snow, a critical shortage of grit salt, and general infrastructural chaos.  UK businesses suffered as a result of the transport chaos.

Heavy snowfall can have a significant impact on businesses and this month we have already been warned about an Arctic blast and freezing temperatures. Harsh weather results in major transport disruptions, and postal services are also hit.  Consequently, delivery of goods can be delayed, money is wasted on expensive couriers and vital payments can go astray.

For companies sending and receiving invoices, postal delays can cause considerable problems as far as cashflow is concerned and the forecast of a very cold and snowy winter means the impact on businesses could be huge. Many large companies post invoices abroad for processing – and any disruption to air postal services will therefore also slow their payments to suppliers. As such, businesses should think ahead and plan alternative options for their payment processes such as e-Invoicing. This winter, the thousands of suppliers using OB10 to electronically send and receive invoices will carry on as normal.

Buyers using OB10’s e-Invoicing network will be able to continue processing and paying invoices quickly, efficiently and cheaply and with the service being entirely paperless they’ll be doing their bit to help the environment too.

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