Part 2 or in addition to tips I wrote about awhile back...

How to Take Control of a Meeting

One of the most important skills that you can develop as an administrator is the ability to control a meeting. We have all been at meetings that ran amok. They are dreadful in every sense of the word and often contribute to poor office moral. If you can control a meeting – or take control of a meeting that has gone “off the rails” then you will dramatically increase your value to any office or employer. Here are some tips for taking control of any meeting:

  1. Don’t be afraid to interrupt
    If you notice that the meeting is going off course, grab the mike and steer it back .This is easier to do if you set parameters for the meeting ahead of time so that people are clear about what is to be discussed and what topics are off the board for the meeting.
  2. Use commanding body language and tone
    Position yourself at a place where everyone can see you and make sure to sit/stand straight and maintain eye contact and focus on the speaker. Do not raise your voice at the end of a statement, which makes you sound unsure of yourself. Instead, speaking firmly and clearly at all times.
  3. Mediate when appropriate
    If two parties or factions in the meeting become involved in a debate that does not contribute to the meeting, call a halt. Inform them that the topic is closed and that they must resolve it outside the meeting rather than in the middle of it.


Frequently, simply having the ability to stand up for yourself and your meeting agenda is enough to keep everyone in line. Following these simple tips will keep your meetings running smoothly with you at the helm.

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